December 13, 2012

  • Update on knee.

    So, I went for my ultrasound on my knee today.  The guy looked at my knee, moved my knee cap all around (I have super loose joints, so my knee caps move in really weird ways), then started the ultrasound.  Almost immediately, he's all "oh.  uh oh.  hmmm."   Ummm...NOT HELPFUL! 

    So, he does the ultrasound, then drops the not-so-unexpected bomb.  Torn meniscus on my lateral side, right knee.  Plus...the area under my patella has about zero cartiledge and the bone is really ragged in there.  He doesn't believe that my meninscus tear will heal on it's own, due to it's position, and thinks that it'll need surgically repaired.  While they're in there, they can shave down the bone area under my patella and smooth it out, which will help with the grinding that I feel/hear every time I move. 

    My ortho is supposed to call me on Monday, while we're in Switzerland, to discuss options.  I'll definitely have the surgery here.  If it's anything like my last knee surgery, I should be up and walking that day (slowly, and with great hobbling, but walking nonetheless).  I'm hoping they can do it as soon as the new year rolls around, so I'll be more mobile when I go home for house hunting a few weeks later!

    There's the update...FML.  Stupid knees.



Comments (2)

  • Damn, I was hoping you would get better news. Better to get it done and rehab and be good as new than live with pain/lack of function.

    I'm curious about your healthcare. How is it handled as an ex-pat?

  • @PennyLumpkins - Our healthcare is handled a lot like it was in the States, actually.  Our company pays for our insurance, as expats, and we have a package where 100% of our medical expenses are covered (including prescriptions, surgeries, etc.) while in the Netherlands.  Once outside of the Netherlands, insurance covers 85% of everything, even if we were back Stateside.  So...because our insurance covers 100% of the surgery/medication/anesthesia/x-rays/ultrasounds, etc. here, I'm definitely having the surgery done here.  Plus...even without the insurance coverage, the surgery itself is probably 50-60% cheaper than having it done in the States.

    As for how it works...we have a GP here, and we have to have referrals from him for any specialist (ortho, dermatologist, ENT, etc.).  Once we have the referral, we go to the specialist and they take care of the problem.  We have to pay out of pocket for expenses, then are reimbursed by insurance once we turn in the paperwork.  GP visits are 25 euros a visit for Jamie, but since I work for a Dutch company, I also had to purchase Dutch health insurance, so my visits are free.  Everything else...we basically just get billed for like any other service, and then we pay and submit to insurance.

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