December 10, 2012

  • Really Frustrated

    Ugh, I am trying really hard to reign in my frustration with how things are going, but it's getting really difficult.  This whole repatriation thing is going to be an absolute hot mess, I can tell already.  We've had two calls with HR and other people in the process, and we are absolutely no further than we were nearly 2.5 weeks ago!  They still don't have a timeline for when we'll do our house hunting trip, nor have they completely sorted out my contract extension and our visas (though our visa paperwork has been filled out by the lawyers and is with the Dutch government, so that is in the process, at least).

    Our latest call was to figure out when our house hunting would be, and what sort of assistance with the process we would receive from our company. idea.  HR still hasn't gotten it together, because they've been working towards an "end of March" date, which is when we MOVE...did they think that you just show up in the US and there is stuff waiting for you?!  Jamie has to be back in the states in mid-January to kick off his new job, so it only made sense that we would do our house hunting trip at the same time (to save the company money, since they're paying for it).  Well...since HR isn't sorted, it doesn't appear that the repatriation company will be ready for that come January, so February is looking more realistic for the house hunting.  Which doesn't leave us much time in way of house hunting, buying, inspections, and closing, etc.  Plus...we were looking at houses that would require some work, so we could personalize them more, but our plan was to contract that out and have it finished by the time we moved home for good...also doesn't appear to be feasible with the new timeline.  We would do all this on our own, but we're still not sure what the financial assistance is for the move back, and if we do it all on our own, we might not be reimbursed by the company.  So...because I don't want to throw away the financial assistance, we really have to deal with their timeline and inability to have their shit in gear.

    Ugh...I just need to get to Friday.  After Friday, we're spending the next two weeks in gorgeous Switzerland, and I can relax and forget about my job and this moving fiasco.  Get me to Friday, just get me to Friday.


Comments (3)

  • Ugh, what a mess! HR is always such a nightmare. I wanted to be in HR bc every experience with them at a job was always awful and they never knew jack shit. Hated it. Hang in there, Friday will be here before you know it!

  • Corporate relos are always so stressful an awful. They expect the job to start right away but drag their feet on all other details. I know how frustrating it can be especially when you have a timeline!! I'm glad you're taking this trip. Hang in there and by this time next year, all this stress will be a distant memory.

  • hang in there just a couple of more days til friday

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