April 26, 2013

  • Friday.

    I am so glad today is Friday!  I feel like this week has gone by so slowly, and I’m always exhausted come Friday afternoons.  I don’t think we have anything planned for tonight, which is nice.  We’re going to go home, hopefully go for a walk outside (the weather is gorgeous today), make some dinner, and pass out.  I love Friday evenings…it’s like you have a world of possibilities in front of you with the upcoming weekend…you can do ANYTHING and there’s so much time!  Once Saturday rolls around, it’s the countdown to the end of your weekend and the minutes just tick past at rapid speed.  But Friday after work?  Oh yeah, the world is your oyster on Friday’s after work.

    I’m three days into a meat free diet, and so far it’s been great!  I feel like I have increased energy levels, I never have that “overfull” feeling from eating, and I’m overall happy with the options available (both to cook on my own and when eating out).  I even managed to find something to eat at McDonald’s last evening when we had a last minute dinner prior to another commitment.  I recognized pretty early on, however, that it does require a bit more planning to execute…at least in the early stages.  I don’t feel like I can leave dinner plans to the last minute, because there is less chance that I’ll be able to find something I can eat.  But, I did get my Martha Stewart cookbook “Meatless” in the mail yesterday, and I’m excited to try out all sorts of new recipes!

    Still working on potential jobs, at the moment.  I am hoping to hear back from two of the positions that I applied for…soon, hopefully.  Probably next week, if I’m lucky.  But, another position came open and I was approached about it…it’s right up my alley.  I’m not sure if that makes my decision easier or harder, so I’m just sort of playing it by ear to see how things go.  I honestly just wish a decision was being made, regardless of what it is…I’m tired of the indecision.  I really hope to have more info by this time next week, or else I might just pull out my hair.

    That’s all for now, really.  Things are good!  Our house is unpacked (though not completely put away) and things are moving along!  I need to start picking paint for the spare rooms and downstairs, but we still have time for that.  I’m excited to be finished with the inside, though, and to start really enjoying our house!  I’m ready for BBQs and having friends over for dinner/drinks, and not feeling like I have to apologize when we give a tour because the rooms are a disaster.  Hopefully in a few more months it’ll be more presentable…but for now I just need to deal with it as best I can, and move through the clutter one thing at a time.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!



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